Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Connect, Extend, and Challenge

Today in Humanities we had to fill out a sheet on/about the movie. One of my questions was "Did the people in New Guinea develope any farther or did they just stay in the farming life?" I think they are probably trying to develope farther but they didn't have the chance yet even after the population grew because if there were more people, then they would need more food for all the people to stay alive so more people would have to work to grow the wheat, barley, and sago so no one would be able to develope new skills, because they don't have enough time (except if it was easy to find the resources like lighting fire.)


Jamie McQueen said...

Okay,Ni, but did Papua New Guinea really grow wheat and barley? What was the main point of the movie?

Please respond to these questions in your next blog.

Laura said...

Great thinking so far Ni. Just i think that you might have to expand your thinking more. And what was really the main point of the movie Guns, Germs and Steel that we watched in humanities class? -i know this comment might be rather late but oh well.