Tuesday, December 9, 2008

About Me

Hi! My name is Ni and I take school in ISKL. My favorite sport is soccer, horse riding and rock climbing. I like to be the be-layer in rock climbing because I am better at it. (A be-layer is a person who stand at the bottom to pull/release the rope for the climber.) If I have free time I would most likely play computer games, read a book, paint/draw, or watch movies.

My favorite school subjects are math, health, drama, art and PE, but I do not like swimming. By the way I’m a girl. Horses and ponies are my favorite animals. I think they are cool, beautiful, playful, and nice to have as a pet.

1 comment:

nicholask said...

That is very I like to rock climb also. my favorite animals are kitties ,puppies. My favorite kind of dog is a pug. Ponies are really cool animals also. I forgot to tell you I have two brothers. One of there favorite animals is the pony.

from nick