Friday, March 25, 2011

The Rabbit Proof Fence- Is Molly a Hero or Not?

In my perspective Molly is a hero because even though she knows that she's nothing against the British she still stays strong and bold. Molly was taken away from her family and was brought to a place where she's forced to learn the British way of life. Molly, being put into an environment she has never experienced before, was nervous but she's still Molly and she needs to get back home. Molly has seen how Mr. Neville judged the two groups, being white enough gets you to school but being dark skinned just leads you to a future that you will suffer in. Molly is sick of how the British are treating her race, half-caste, and plans to run away. One morning Molly finds that a sandstorm is approaching, and luckily she's the last one to leave her bed meaning she can run without being spotted, but it's not only that Molly also has two younger sisters to take care of and they might slow her down. Thinking it through, Molly decides that this is her only chance, she is aware that the tracker might track her down but she also knows that the sandstorm would cover her tracks. Will she make it home is another story, this is all she's got and she has to take the chance, wether if it's her first and last or not. She needs to get home. Molly is a hero because she's facing problems she's never faced before but she believes that she can do it, get home.


Anonymous said...

A lot of supporting details, however not all of them necessarily support the fact that you think Molly is a hero. But I completely agree with your ideas, Molly is in fact a hero. Nice post! :)

Anonymous said...

Dear Ni,
I agree with you that Molly is a hero. I like how you adding many details so we can see in our head what kind of girl Molly is and why she is a hero. I agree with everything you said, good job!
- Katy