Tuesday, March 22, 2011

British VS First Australians

How did the ethnocentricity of the British and the First Australians cause conflict between the two groups?

The differences between the two group's cultures, beliefs, and thoughts resulted in misunderstandings, which progresses to war, the big conflict. The British wasn't open to the Aboriginals ways of life, they think that they are the better and 'civilized' one. Each of the groups tried to share what they thought was the 'right' thing but the British was too stuck up with their own ideas that they tried to change the Aboriginals in to what they think is 'proper' and 'right'. The British kidnapped Bennelong, leader of the Aboriginals, thinking that if they are able to change Bennelong then they would be able to change the Aboriginals, but they were wrong. When the British came back to Australia McIntrye, who was said to hunt Aboriginals for fun, was speared by Pemulwuy, who took the murder as a payback for the kidnapping of Bennelong. After this accident the relationship between the British and the First Australians slowly drifted apart and at last the Aboriginals could no longer stand how the British are treating them, which led to open war between the two groups. At the end the Aboriginals without the technology that the British had lost the war and the Governor Phillip took Bennelong to England with him as the ultimate trophy, and the evidence that friendship has been established between the two nations.

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