Monday, January 19, 2009

Maps of the Ancient World

Today in humanities we looked at maps of the anciet world and talked as a group about what we see/think/wonder. I think that some of the maps are old and some of them are new because the 1st map doesn't have longtitude and latitude lines.
This is the differences-
1st Map-Sumer is circled
-the land is greenish yellow
-Around the land is white which we think is the sea
2nd Map-there is a scale on the bottom left corner we think that the scale tells how high the land is to sea level
-there are Latitude and Longtitude lines
-Around the land is light blue
3rd Map-there are stars on it and next to the stars are names which is probably the names of cities
-In the small map Turkey, Sytia, Iraq, and Kuwait is in yellow which makes us think that it is the names of the countries
4th Map-Persian GUlf is in blue I think it represents the water (sea, rivers, lakes etc.

1 comment:

libertykaileyg said...

So under the thing tht says pets, are all those your pets? If so, THATS ALOT OF PETS!