Thursday, January 22, 2009

My Life in 2020

I woke up at five, took a bath, and got dress. I still can't belive this. It feels as if I was ten yesterday. I have collected enough money for me to get two horses. I walk to the big chest I used to contain my tools. I got out the watering can and filled it up with water from the lake that runs through my farm. Woof! Woof! Chip (my dog) started to run towards me. I took a toy bone out of my pocket and place it down on the ground. Chip began to play with the squeaky bone and then she drag it to her dog house. I watered my crops then crouch down to see if there are any worms or bugs. An hour past and it was time to go out to get the horses. "Chip!" I yelled. She ran towards me and I hook the leash on her collar. "Let's go." I said. We walked to the meeting place and I saw the man with the horses. I sprited slowly towards him and he handed me the horses. I gave him the money, release more of the leash, and got on one of the horses. There wasn't a saddle but there were reins. It wasn't that hard to ride and lead another horse at the same time. I got back to my farm and put the horses in the stable. I knew the horses weren't ready for use yet they have to get use to the place first. Everyday I would check on my cows, sheeps, dog, and horses then let them out to have grass or play in the big field. Two months later I used the horses for the first time. Still when it is mid day I would let them have a break. When my crops grow I sell them in town to get money to buy new tools or animals. I also let tourists in for photos and tours. I collected lots of money a day, it made me have an easy life. Everyday I was cheerful and I will work like this forever.

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