Thursday, December 18, 2008

My Plans for the Holiday

In winter break I am going to Thailand to see my cousins, play with my dogs, and see my relatives (greatgrandma, aunt, uncle, etc.) I think I am going to have lots of fun and I am really looking forward to the plane ride and thai food.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Have a great holiday!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Why do civilizations have laws?

I think civilization have laws because then the ruler of the land could still have power to controll his people. When people break laws they get punish and that i think is what makes the ruler more powerful. If you get punish you probably wouldn't like it and so you follow the laws made, then you won't get into trouble, and that kind of means you are listening to the ruler (obeying him/her)That is why I think civilization have laws.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Emerging Technology

This is the second trimister of school and I am taking IT as one of my electives. In IT so far we have learned about the rules of third and the triangles that some pictures have. I think learning about the rule of thirds is fun because you get to take photos and learn while you are having fun. Everybody was trying to take a photo of the monkeys; unfortunately my group couldn't find them, but we still got good photos. The vanishing point was also important because I think it makes the picture cooler. Now we are working on Emerging Technology. Alistair, Ted, and I are one group and our given topic was Video Games. The definition is not want I really thought it was through. I think the topic is a bit hard. Just a bit.

About Me

Hi! My name is Ni and I take school in ISKL. My favorite sport is soccer, horse riding and rock climbing. I like to be the be-layer in rock climbing because I am better at it. (A be-layer is a person who stand at the bottom to pull/release the rope for the climber.) If I have free time I would most likely play computer games, read a book, paint/draw, or watch movies.

My favorite school subjects are math, health, drama, art and PE, but I do not like swimming. By the way I’m a girl. Horses and ponies are my favorite animals. I think they are cool, beautiful, playful, and nice to have as a pet.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Response to Mr.McQueen's Question/s

The main point of the movie was to let us know how Papau New Guinea formed it's civilization. At first they collected wheat & barley then they found it easier to grow their own crops and just have it nearby so they wouldn't have to search for it.

Connect, Extend, and Challenge

Today in Humanities we had to fill out a sheet on/about the movie. One of my questions was "Did the people in New Guinea develope any farther or did they just stay in the farming life?" I think they are probably trying to develope farther but they didn't have the chance yet even after the population grew because if there were more people, then they would need more food for all the people to stay alive so more people would have to work to grow the wheat, barley, and sago so no one would be able to develope new skills, because they don't have enough time (except if it was easy to find the resources like lighting fire.)