Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I think that risk-taking was the most important factor towards Brunelleschi's success because if Filippo didn't take the risk to try and explain his ideas then he wouldn't really be known till today. Filippo took the risk of explaining to the community his idea (the egg trick) which can lead to really good consequences which will shoot him up the ladder or bury him underground. When he succeed in gaining the support of the people he had to prove that he was right, he had to sure his calculations are perfect even the tiniest of mistakes can make the dome collapse on him and his fame, his name can be turn completely upside down. Filippo had three risks to worry about his calculations, support and money, and the incredible dome. The support and money is half of it but the other half is to actually finish the dome. Without his risk-taking decisions he wouldn't even be able to try out his dome.

How do the actions and decisions of people affect change?
Filippo's actions changed how other artists think. All artists wanted to be famous so they probably came up with new extraordinary ideas trying to make their's the best. Filippo hatched one of the eggs of time that during the Middle Ages was locked up by the church. Filippo marked one of the new beginnings.

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