Tuesday, May 4, 2010

1066 game reflections

Game #1
In this game we either played as William the Duke of Normandy or as Harold Godwinson king of England. In this game I enjoyed being Harold because I find it more challenging than being William. I learned about the strategies the 2 contenders might have used to fight and that the job of a king is over whelmed with risks which mostly are for their people. At the first time I played as Harold I got shot in the eye and died then a few times later I won playing Harold so I switched characters. So I know was William I died like seven or ten times while playing William but then once I won but I didn’t remembered the steps and choices I made to win.

Game #2
On this game we had to play by the story mode, which I never finished. We had an army and they choose for us which character we are. On the first time I randomly played and I lost so I started again, which in that case was a long game and I also lost. I didn’t really enjoy this game as much because it took too long and I think there are too many buttons, commands etc. What I learned from this game is the position you should place your army and how you can attack.

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