Sunday, May 30, 2010

This I Believe

'Dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them' this quote from Walt Disney struck me. I was in fifth grade finding a quote for my 'Night of the Notables' project. The person I choose for the project was Walt Disney - a man who succeeded in following his dreams.

'I want to succeed in following my dreams of opening a pet-shop too.' I thought. My dad said that if I didn't truly like animals I shouldn't be dreaming about this and that if I didn't like animals then when I actually open the pet-shop I would get bored of taking care of the animals and cleaning them. I didn't agree with him, I love animals - especially dogs - and I also know for sure that I would never get tired of cleaning out their cages or tidying their messes. I know that this is the job I want most in my life. No matter what other people say I will always stick to this dream. I still have a long way to go before I can work, also meaning that I still have a long time to think about the job-even if I don't think my dreams will change.

Now two years have passed by, but I still think back to the day I found the quote. I became a seventh grader with the dreams of opening her very own pet-shop. Over the two years I have been collecting information on how to train dogs. I considered that a success for when I went back to Thailand my dog did exactly what I wanted it to do. So now I know how to teach dog basic tricks but that would be no where near to doing a good job when I open the pet-shop.

When I was in sixth grade I was dying for a dog. I begged and begged and begged but my parents never gave in. On the third trimester there were some good news. There was an activity that went over to the SPCA every Wednesday and helped them took care of the dogs. So I joined the community service group and that was my first chance to be close to dogs, and help the SPCA raise the awareness of abandoned dogs on the rise. This experience pushed me even further on following the tracks to my dreams.

Now I want to open a pet-shop and train dogs. I would take the dogs I trained to agility courses and competitions to earn extra pocket money.
Overall I think I know a lot about dogs as a seventh grader. I even found out that dog's clothes aren't only for cuteness or making your pet look richer and fresher but it also makes the pet itself warm, it also keeps the coat in a healthy condition.

A dream-this I believe. A dream that comes true-this I believe. Succeeding in our dreams-this I believe.

The image I picked for this essay is the image of a dog sleeping. I picked this image because it reflects my want of opening the pet shop, and my believe about dreams.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

1066 game reflections

Game #1
In this game we either played as William the Duke of Normandy or as Harold Godwinson king of England. In this game I enjoyed being Harold because I find it more challenging than being William. I learned about the strategies the 2 contenders might have used to fight and that the job of a king is over whelmed with risks which mostly are for their people. At the first time I played as Harold I got shot in the eye and died then a few times later I won playing Harold so I switched characters. So I know was William I died like seven or ten times while playing William but then once I won but I didn’t remembered the steps and choices I made to win.

Game #2
On this game we had to play by the story mode, which I never finished. We had an army and they choose for us which character we are. On the first time I randomly played and I lost so I started again, which in that case was a long game and I also lost. I didn’t really enjoy this game as much because it took too long and I think there are too many buttons, commands etc. What I learned from this game is the position you should place your army and how you can attack.