Monday, February 22, 2010

Band-the void

What did you think was going to happen? What clues in the text led you to believe this?
Answer: I thought that whoever gets the on with the black dot on it will leave the village, so that when time goes on the village doesn't get over populated. The clues that led me to this was that the color black doesn't sound very pleasent so it must be something bad. Also at the end of page 301 Tessie who had the black dot on her paper opened it last so everyone had the attention on her.
How did you feel when the end of the story was not given to you?
Answer: I was very curious about what was going to be inside the mysterious paper and wanted to open it. I think that everyone couldn't wait to open the piece of paper. I try to guess the ending by following the given clues but their wasn't any clues that led to the real answer.
What would you call this story? Why?
I would maybe call it "The Black Lottery" or something similar to kind of emphazie the badness of the lottery. I would name it like that because at first everyone seemed to be happy about the lottery but it is actually bad.
How did you feel when you read the end of the story? Explain.
The end of the story to me was very surprising because it turned out very bad when the first of the first clues were given that it should sound and be good.
Why did the author leave these voids in the story?
I think the author left these voids in the story to make the story more interesting. It also makes people think deeper into the story to beable to get more clues about the ending.

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