Thursday, January 22, 2009

My Life in 2020

I woke up at five, took a bath, and got dress. I still can't belive this. It feels as if I was ten yesterday. I have collected enough money for me to get two horses. I walk to the big chest I used to contain my tools. I got out the watering can and filled it up with water from the lake that runs through my farm. Woof! Woof! Chip (my dog) started to run towards me. I took a toy bone out of my pocket and place it down on the ground. Chip began to play with the squeaky bone and then she drag it to her dog house. I watered my crops then crouch down to see if there are any worms or bugs. An hour past and it was time to go out to get the horses. "Chip!" I yelled. She ran towards me and I hook the leash on her collar. "Let's go." I said. We walked to the meeting place and I saw the man with the horses. I sprited slowly towards him and he handed me the horses. I gave him the money, release more of the leash, and got on one of the horses. There wasn't a saddle but there were reins. It wasn't that hard to ride and lead another horse at the same time. I got back to my farm and put the horses in the stable. I knew the horses weren't ready for use yet they have to get use to the place first. Everyday I would check on my cows, sheeps, dog, and horses then let them out to have grass or play in the big field. Two months later I used the horses for the first time. Still when it is mid day I would let them have a break. When my crops grow I sell them in town to get money to buy new tools or animals. I also let tourists in for photos and tours. I collected lots of money a day, it made me have an easy life. Everyday I was cheerful and I will work like this forever.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Maps of the Ancient World

Today in humanities we looked at maps of the anciet world and talked as a group about what we see/think/wonder. I think that some of the maps are old and some of them are new because the 1st map doesn't have longtitude and latitude lines.
This is the differences-
1st Map-Sumer is circled
-the land is greenish yellow
-Around the land is white which we think is the sea
2nd Map-there is a scale on the bottom left corner we think that the scale tells how high the land is to sea level
-there are Latitude and Longtitude lines
-Around the land is light blue
3rd Map-there are stars on it and next to the stars are names which is probably the names of cities
-In the small map Turkey, Sytia, Iraq, and Kuwait is in yellow which makes us think that it is the names of the countries
4th Map-Persian GUlf is in blue I think it represents the water (sea, rivers, lakes etc.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Life at ISKL

The pictures in the slide show below were took by my partner and I. They are pictures of the school grounds. We choose these pictures because we thought they explain the school the most. We also thought they had the best qualities.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Wang Nam Khiew

During winter break I went to Wang Nam Khiew in Nakorn Rachasima, Thailand. The weather is quite cold in the morning and afternoon. There were many pictures taken and lots of activities done such as driving the ATV, flying fox, rock climbing, and many more. I liked driving the ATV best out of all the activities because the ATV track was very smooth but with lots of curves. At one time, I forgot to hold the break while going down the hill and with that I crashed into a bush and almost fell into the lake infront of the bush. Anyways it was very exciting. The place that I liked the most was "Jim Thomson's Farm" because there were lots of beautiful flowers and the weather was cool and relaxing. There is also something like a museum for you to see how Thai people used the silk from caterpillars to make silk for Thai clothing. It was very interesting. One staff would be at one place and show you how to do that step(s), then they will let you try if you want to. I think that this time is very special to me because I get to go with my family, 3 cousins, and other relatives such as: aunt, uncle etc.