Monday, November 24, 2008

Kaula Lumpur and the Early Humans

I think that the early humans are mostly similar to us on their food, water, economy (kind of), and technology. Food and water are easy to explain we drink clean water so do they but the way we and they collect it is different. The basic food is meat, just any kind for the early humans but we have choices. I think economy is kind of the same because both future and past have to work to be able to survive. Money is money for us and food is money for them. In the early human's years food was used for almost everything such as; trading items, food, and clothes. We have so many jobs that we won't be able to choose from but the early humans basically have 3 basics job which are; hunting (food gatherer), tools making, and maybe fire making/collector. Their technology is kind of the same because back then technology is what made the early humans transformed to us. It has been proved that if they weren't able to make spears/fire/shelter and know how to distance throw then they wouldn't developed because they wouldn't have the brain power. We are the same because we the ultimate survivor were the ones to create more and more to the world which are not always good. For example horse carriages turns into cars, trains, airplanes, helicopters, etc. So basically technology is important and needed. There are also some parts that the early humans have that are different from us such as; shelters, believe system, and education. Early humans used caves as shelters but we have all sorts of different things such as hotels, motels, condos, house, apartments, etc. For shelters and other stuff in these days I think they relates to technology because we are at this point making things more beautiful, strong, and lovely. I think that early humans only have one believe system which is to paint cave paintings that have a story behind it. This relates to culture if we have more culture then there would probably be more beliefs because every culture has their own thing. Next is education, we learn at schools but the early humans doesn’t have schools and so I think they learn from their mistakes, older people, or they might be self educate. Overall I can see that we have much more choices that the early humans do and again I think it relates to technology.

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