Monday, March 28, 2011

The Rabbit Proof Fence- Blog Post #2

'Help for you is torture for them. Happy for you is sad for them. Right for you is wrong for them. Forest for you is home for them. Savage for you is you for them. And half-caste for you is Aboriginals for them. They are a race, and so are you. They have their own believes, and so do you. They have their own rights and wrongs, and so do you. They have their own language, and so do you. They have they own freedom, and so do you. They are people, and so are you.'
The British invaders should feel disgusted about the things they did to the First Australians. Going to their land and taking it away wasn't enough, was it? Is that why you have to try and 'help' turn them into a monster like you are, it's wrong! To take one's race and force it to turn to another one that is against their believes is not right. What you have done was destroy the peaceful land that was there before you ever came to take it away. It's true that one of the explorers, Captain Cook did claim the land for the British but isn't there another way than to just shoot the Aboriginals as if they were heartless creatures, because it's not true that they don't have a heart. The First Australians have their own hearts but somehow you just went in there and took it away from them, there was no connection, no communication, just a 'bang' and you can start to hear the people mourn. Why did you it? You turned their lives into something terrible, and you still call it 'help'?

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Rabbit Proof Fence- Is Molly a Hero or Not?

In my perspective Molly is a hero because even though she knows that she's nothing against the British she still stays strong and bold. Molly was taken away from her family and was brought to a place where she's forced to learn the British way of life. Molly, being put into an environment she has never experienced before, was nervous but she's still Molly and she needs to get back home. Molly has seen how Mr. Neville judged the two groups, being white enough gets you to school but being dark skinned just leads you to a future that you will suffer in. Molly is sick of how the British are treating her race, half-caste, and plans to run away. One morning Molly finds that a sandstorm is approaching, and luckily she's the last one to leave her bed meaning she can run without being spotted, but it's not only that Molly also has two younger sisters to take care of and they might slow her down. Thinking it through, Molly decides that this is her only chance, she is aware that the tracker might track her down but she also knows that the sandstorm would cover her tracks. Will she make it home is another story, this is all she's got and she has to take the chance, wether if it's her first and last or not. She needs to get home. Molly is a hero because she's facing problems she's never faced before but she believes that she can do it, get home.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

British VS First Australians

How did the ethnocentricity of the British and the First Australians cause conflict between the two groups?

The differences between the two group's cultures, beliefs, and thoughts resulted in misunderstandings, which progresses to war, the big conflict. The British wasn't open to the Aboriginals ways of life, they think that they are the better and 'civilized' one. Each of the groups tried to share what they thought was the 'right' thing but the British was too stuck up with their own ideas that they tried to change the Aboriginals in to what they think is 'proper' and 'right'. The British kidnapped Bennelong, leader of the Aboriginals, thinking that if they are able to change Bennelong then they would be able to change the Aboriginals, but they were wrong. When the British came back to Australia McIntrye, who was said to hunt Aboriginals for fun, was speared by Pemulwuy, who took the murder as a payback for the kidnapping of Bennelong. After this accident the relationship between the British and the First Australians slowly drifted apart and at last the Aboriginals could no longer stand how the British are treating them, which led to open war between the two groups. At the end the Aboriginals without the technology that the British had lost the war and the Governor Phillip took Bennelong to England with him as the ultimate trophy, and the evidence that friendship has been established between the two nations.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Julius Caesar: Solo/Duet Acting

Act III Scene I: ANTONY (Lines 254-275)

O, pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth,
That I am meek and gentle with these butchers!
Thou art the ruins of the noblest man
That ever lived in the tide of times.
Woe to the hand that shed this costly blood!
Over thy wounds now do I prophesy,--
Which, like dumb mouths, do ope their ruby lips,
To beg the voice and utterance of my tongue--
A curse shall light upon the limbs of men;
Domestic fury and fierce civil strife
Shall cumber all the parts of Italy;
Blood and destruction shall be so in use
And dreadful objects so familiar
That mothers shall but smile when they behold
Their infants quarter'd with the hands of war;
All pity choked with custom of fell deeds:
And Caesar's spirit, ranging for revenge,
With Ate by his side come hot from hell,
Shall in these confines with a monarch's voice
Cry 'Havoc,' and let slip the dogs of war;
That this foul deed shall smell above the earth
With carrion men, groaning for burial.

Antony is begging for forgiveness form Caesar's corpse after he had promise the Conspirators that he will befriend them. It's the Ides of March, Caesar has just been murdered and Antony is looking down at Caesar's body.

This passage characterizes Antony and foreshadows what Antony is going to do in order to take revenge. Antony isn't just a playboy anymore, he turned into the leader of the pack that is going to plan out the revenge.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My Learning Profile

Profile PP:

I learn best through visual examples and by focusing on the whole picture and context. I do not mind having people around me although it can sometimes distract me from what I am doing or suppose to be doing. I prefer working alone because I trust myself more than anyone else (especially with grades) but if we have to work in a group I prefer to choose my own group members.

This may sound strange but I need to doodle while learning. It may seem like I am not paying attention, just trying to doodle my way out from this maze with teachers call 'School' but actually I am giving the teacher my full attention. I need to physically do what I am learning or see an example before I start my own work.

The strategies that would help me in my learning is by showing me an example of what to do instead of telling me because I am a gestalt/visual learner not a logic one. Instead of just taking notes from a video I would rather watch the video, pause and discuss it together with the class because it helps me understand what other people think and it will also expand my thoughts.

I would like my teachers to know that when I am under stress I need to be left alone to calm myself down again (or you can let me take a nap-which will never happen, not in school.) I appreciate metaphors, and examples. When I am relaxed I can pick up on visual and auditory details but I have trouble in communicating my ideas both verbally or in words and I dislike the fact that I have to write it out. If I was put into a group that I dislike I might not give my best effort into presenting the work given to me because I feel uncomfortable in the environment that I am put in.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Mingled Yarn: Gender Stereotypes

What are the pitfalls that we need to be aware of regarding gender stereotyping and how can they be avoided?

Many people are being forced in to fit their stereotypes. Just because you see many people with skinny bodies doesn't mean you have to be like that. Advertisers are playing tricks on children and parents so they could shape the child's mind easily. The world is being shaped into a skinny, pretty girl and a strong, handsome boy. Inspiration plays a big role in developing self-confidence, if their is no one to lead the child in the direction they will keep getting lost in the world of media. Not fitting the stereotypes doesn't mean you're abnormal but it's just that you are different, and in this world nobody is the same, not even twins. Nowadays magazines does not promote independence, but it conveys the message that young people should be more concerned with looks, relationships and that they should be fitting into the stereotype to be pretty, famous, and popular.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Leonardo Da Vinci: A Renaissance Man

Leonardo Da Vinci is truly a Renaissance man because he was born during the Renaissance period and had traveled to many marvelous Renaissance cities such as Florence and Venice. Da Vinci was a man full of new creations and ideas. His ability to observe, create accurate anatomic detail and his imagination helped him build a new remarkable path in history. Da Vinci took in his surroundings and made it into a new thing. What made him a man of the Renaissance is mostly his new ideas and inventions for this is what the Renaissance time period is all about.