Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My Learning Profile

Profile PP:

I learn best through visual examples and by focusing on the whole picture and context. I do not mind having people around me although it can sometimes distract me from what I am doing or suppose to be doing. I prefer working alone because I trust myself more than anyone else (especially with grades) but if we have to work in a group I prefer to choose my own group members.

This may sound strange but I need to doodle while learning. It may seem like I am not paying attention, just trying to doodle my way out from this maze with teachers call 'School' but actually I am giving the teacher my full attention. I need to physically do what I am learning or see an example before I start my own work.

The strategies that would help me in my learning is by showing me an example of what to do instead of telling me because I am a gestalt/visual learner not a logic one. Instead of just taking notes from a video I would rather watch the video, pause and discuss it together with the class because it helps me understand what other people think and it will also expand my thoughts.

I would like my teachers to know that when I am under stress I need to be left alone to calm myself down again (or you can let me take a nap-which will never happen, not in school.) I appreciate metaphors, and examples. When I am relaxed I can pick up on visual and auditory details but I have trouble in communicating my ideas both verbally or in words and I dislike the fact that I have to write it out. If I was put into a group that I dislike I might not give my best effort into presenting the work given to me because I feel uncomfortable in the environment that I am put in.