Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Where do new ideas come from?

I think that new ideas come from your imagination. Just any imagination that pops in your head can make a brand new idea. I think that ideas can come from a lot of different places. From friends, the past, your life, books, movies, it is just everything. Everything is an idea. When you let your mind wonder a new idea will pop up. WHen you think about the past a new idea will pop up. So in general I think ideas can come from any where you imagine it to be from, and you can get new ideas any time, even when you don't expect one.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

My Favorite Story - What makes a good story?

The stories we've read in our humanities class were "Lamb to the Slaughter" and "The Sniper." My favorite one is "Lamb to the Slaughter" because the author builds a lot of serious tension that leads us to the climax. I liked how Roald Dahl made the story more interesting by making Patrick a police. Another thing I like about the story is the exposition Roald Dahl introduced his characters with a little mystery by making Patrick act unusual, and finally we figured out Patrick wanted a divorce. The thing that every story must have is a conflict in "Lamb to the Slaughter" the conflict is Mary v.s. Patrick. The conflict is important because it makes the story have a meaning full ending the resolution.