Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Compliment Guys

I think that the compliment guys are really cool because it makes people who are passing by happy and they feel more welcomed to the contry if they are tourists. I think lots of people should like and expand this idea. This is another big step to make our world have peace.

"A stranger is just a friend you haven't met."

Thursday, September 24, 2009

My Name

Ni, a really simple name. As a second child a name meaning the number two in Japanese fits me.
By it’s simplness it made me like my name. Not a popular name so you won’t mix me up with anyone else. It’s unique! I would say my name is marvelous if you really come to think about it. Just plain simple “Ni” it sounds…cool…cool to me. Also you can’t mess up my nickname.
My full name is Nichapat but some people say, “nic-ca-pat” instead and it’s really disturbing. I don’t know if they do that because my name is spelled with a c or if they just want to make fun of me or if they just can’t pronounce it.
Nichapat means innocent, good, and nice. The way I say my name is so fluent like the beat of a butterfly’s wing, but how my friends say it is so harsh, unsteady, and not welcoming, like a plat form floating in the middle of he sea.
Right now I prefer Ni because people say it more correctly and it is short. Still someday I would grow to like my name and make people say it properly.

I choose the picture because I think it represents my name well. The outside might not seem nice but the inside is just like every one else.