Monday, February 9, 2009

Reflecting on Progress

In my wiki I need to work on the Communication part. I also need to add in pictures if I have time. I think that the communication part is the weakest in my blog because it only has one sentence. And the strogest is Entertainment because it has lots of pictures and it describes alot obout them and how they are important.
*Entertainment- Our group did well in entertainment because we had lots of ideas and we put 3 pictures to go with it.
*Business- our group was doing ok on this because we had no pictures, but I think the idea was fine except we didn't really describe it well enough. In other words the sentence was not clearly written.
*Communication- As I said communication was the wrost part. I am going to try to improve it after I finish this blog. The picture was too big and it took up all the space so I'm going to make it smaller. It doesn't have lots of imformation so we will need to add on.

Overall our group is working relly well together. we add our own ideas to the blog to support each other.